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Adelaide, Australia
I am a fulltime Mum of 2 kids, I work part time and play with psp in my spare time. Ive been psp-ing now since 2007. I started with digital scrapbooking, then tagging in 2008, and designing in 2009. In 2010 I started writing scripts and found my calling (and addiction). You will find all kinds of freebies here on my blog, from tag/scrap templates, to kits and scripts. You can read my Terms Of Use by clicking the page up above too.. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
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cbh - scrapbook freebies search engine CraftCrave Paper, Hybrid, Digital Scrapbooking and Craft Freebies, Tutorials and Challenges
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Thursday, July 16, 2009
Part 2 of my "Whats in my pocket?" quickpages are up for grabs today. This set of 3 12x12 pages are suitable for boys. I have decided to make the kit in full size as well as tagger size, which means the full size file will be huge, so I may have to break it up for download. These should be ready for download tomorrow. Here's my quickpage: Image and video hosting by TinyPic and once again I have the quickpages in 3 denim colours, blue, brown and dirty denim. Image and video hosting by TinyPic You can download these here. Thanks for stopping by.☺ Image and video hosting by TinyPic


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