If you are using my scripts/templates for any of your projects,
feel free to snag my general license here,
and put it on your blog with a link back to mine
Thank you
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Sunday, June 12, 2016
Get patriotic with these FREE CU friendly alphas.
Do we still use alphas?? Well I guess it doesn't matter when it's free :)
Add these to your kits, make wordart from them, but please do not resell them as is.
CU friendly means you can add them to your PU projects.
I have 3 alphas here for download.
Click each alpha preview to download it.
Take all 3, or just take the one you need.
I hope you like them and can use them.

Thank you for stopping by ♥ Photobucket
Co-Owner of
Proud Designer at
Scriptz R Us
My Tube Site
  Tezza's Dezignz Tube Art
Monday, June 6, 2016
Hey all, glad you all like my last freebie :) I have another CU freebie for you.
Scroll down and click the preview to take you to the download.
This one is a bookworm CU stash.
I hope you like it and can use it.

Just a quickie, if you had any of my designs in your wish list, head over to any of my stores this month as I am on sale from 99 cents.
Links to my stores are below... keep scrolling.

enjoy the freebie, please follow my TOU.

Thank you for stopping by ♥ Photobucket
Co-Owner of
Proud Designer at
Scriptz R Us
My Tube Site
  Tezza's Dezignz Tube Art
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Hellllooooo everyone.
Once again I have been slack with this blog. OMG 9 months since I posted!! Wow.
I guess Facebook has overtaken my life, haha.
If you aren't following me on my Facebook page yet, then please do, as I post a lot more over than I do here.
You can click this link HERE to go like my page.
To bookmark all my stores, you can find the links if you scroll on down this post.
OR click the blinkies to the left of my blog. (I will be updating them asap)
NOW I will be posting LOADS of freebies.
Some of them are old, so please hit the TOU tab under my blog header and grab my terms there and please follow and abide by my terms of use.
Just because these are retired and free does not mean my terms are not valid - they still are.
Ok, so here we go. 
My new freebie is something a little summery, and it's a CU friendly designer stash.
Click the image to download.
I hope you like it and can use it :)
Thank you for stopping by ♥ Photobucket
Co-Owner of
Proud Designer at
Scriptz R Us
My Tube Site
  Tezza's Dezignz Tube Art
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
NEW in stores today I have 5 scripts and templates.
In store at both Mystical Scraps and Scriptz R Ushttp://scriptzrus.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=1
on sale from $1.25

edited: BUY MY STORE offer is now expired.
Thank you to the 5 customers who took advantage of this special offer.

and the freebie is..........
this PU mini tagger kit.
If you like it and can use it, click the preview below

Thank you for stopping by ♥ Photobucket

Co-Owner of
Proud Designer at
My Tube Site
Tezza's Dezignz Tube Art
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Hey Hey folks. It seems I have been missing in action again. Oops.
But to make up for it I have new freebies for you.

First of all I have lots of news.
I am now reselling back in store at Mystical Scraps.
You will find my scripts/templates and exclusives in store.
NEW exclusives in there are my Pirates clip art.

Pirate Clip ArtPirates Play ~ Girls
Pirates Play ~ BoysPirate Brads #1
Pirate Brads #2

I have new tube scripts and templates in store in both Scriptz R Us and Mystical Scraps.

Water LilyUp In Lights
Flimstrip FramePopcorn
Banana SplitPaper Rose Bunch

and I have linked my tube art site up the top of my page so you can check out my new tubes.
You may find something to add to your new tags in my collection.

Now for the freebie. I have retired 3 script and template ribbon sets.
The zip includes all 3 and they are Cu4Cu friendly. Please DO NOT resell them as they are, but feel free to make merged CU images to sell or add to your kits.
I hope you like them and can use them
if so, click the image below to take you to the download.

Thank you for stopping by ♥ Photobucket
Co-Owner of
Proud Designer at
My Tube Site
Tezza's Dezignz Tube Art
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Hello everyone,
I have had a creative explosion and have added 4 new script and templates combos in store exclusive to Scriptz R Us!
Stop by and check them out today, none are over $2.

Here is part 3 and final in the animal freebies. 
Please respect my terms of use included.
These scripts and templates are Cu4Cu friendly, but are NOT to be resold as they are.
they MUST be a merged image.

Make sure you subscribe to my newsletter at the top of my blog, and follow my Facebook page to keep up to date with the freebies as I will be retiring more scripts.

If you like this freebie bundle, and can use them, please the image to take you to the download.

Thank you for stopping by ♥ Photobucket
Co-Owner of
Proud Designer at
My Tube Site
Tezza's Dezignz Tube Art
Friday, June 5, 2015
Wow, it seems I got lost in real life there somewhere, once again. Things are going to get hectic for me again soon, so its time for me to stop, refresh and design before I lose my mind in what is my real life, haha. 
So here are the new 3 scripts available exclusively to Scriptz R Us

Paper Flower Hankerchief
Western Cupcakes

Topsy Turvy Cowgirl Cake

and the follow on freebie to my animals bundle is bundle number 2.
Please read the terms of use in the folders and please respect them.
Please DO NOT share, or resell these scripts and templates as they are.

Click the preview to download. Hope you enjoy them.

Thank you for stopping by ♥ Photobucket
Co-Owner of
Proud Designer at
My Tube Site
Tezza's Dezignz Tube Art
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Hello Hello!
Yes I have another freebie for you. I'm pulling out all my old animal scripts and templates.
So as I go, I'm bundling them up for you.
These are some really OLD ones, some being the first scripts/templates I ever made, so please excuse the raw quality of these.
If you can use them, feel free to snag them.
Please abide by my TOU
these can be used for Cu4Cu use, just can NOT be sold in their original form, they are to be coloured and used as a merged image.

Oh, and before I forget, the 40% OFF my By My Store sale at Scriptz R Us is over next week.
It will be back to full price March 1. So if you can grab it while its on sale, please do.

Here is the preview to the freebie bundle, click it to take you to the download.

Thank you for stopping by ♥ Photobucket
Co-Owner of
Proud Designer at
My Tube Site
Tezza's Dezignz Tube Art
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
I couldnt wait until the weekend for the next freebie, so Im throwing one out here mid week.
Wednesdays are my day off work, my chore day, my ME day, hump day.
So while I enjoy my day, here is something to make yours a little more enjoyable.
Retiring these 3 script and templates of my Patchwork range.
Please read the included TOU's and follow them.
These are for Cu4Cu BUT NOT to be resold in script or template form. They must be a coloured, merged image.
To get the download, click the image below.

Thank you for stopping by ♥ Photobucket
Co-Owner of
Proud Designer at
My Tube Site
Tezza's Dezignz Tube Art
Saturday, February 14, 2015
New spring script and template has been listed in store at Scriptz R Us,

Spring Flower Ribbon

I have 2 weeks left of my Buy My Store sale.
so if you are interested, it is on sale for $18 - thats 40% off - for over 300 scripts/templates in store.
Your coupon code will be valid for 1 month, so you can evens nag all my new scripts during that month.
You can find the offer here. Ends Feb 28.

If you want to keep up to date with all my new products, sales and freebies, feel free to subscribe to my newsletter up the top of my blog.

Today's Freebie is some retired St.Patrick's 
You will get a cupcake script/template, a horseshoe script/template and a CU paper pack.
Please read tou's included in the downloads.
Scripts and templates can NOT be sold as they are, they must coloured, merged images.
Thank you and enjoy your freebies
click the image to download.

Thank you for stopping by ♥ Photobucket
Co-Owner of
Proud Designer at
My Tube Site
Tezza's Dezignz Tube Art
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Oh yay. I have been on a designing frenzy and have 4 new scripts and templates in store at Scriptz R US
All of these are for Spring related kits and projects
here is what's new

Spring Penguins
Spring Paper #2
Spring Paper #1
Love Wordart

I still have my Buy My Store available until the end of the month at 40% off making it $18 for over 300 scripts/templates. You can find it in store here

and, part 2 to last weeks Christmas freebies, are more retired scripts and templates.
Please read my TOU in the files and abide by them.
These are NOT to be resold in their original script/template form.
Click the preview below to download, and make sure you check back next week for more :)

enjoy :) 

Thank you for stopping by ♥ Photobucket
Co-Owner of
Proud Designer at
My Tube Site  
Tezza's Dezignz Tube Art
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hello Friends, Customers, and followers,
Please accept my sincere aplogies for going MIA.
2014 was a rough year for me with health issues, surgery and just a lack of design mojo.
I plan on making 2015 a new year, with a whole load of enjoyment to look forward to.

To kick the year off I have been on a penguin addiction, expect more to come, but these are the new ones added in store at Scriptz R Us

St. Patricks Penguins

Valentine Penguins

Winter Penguin quads

and also I am getting back to retiring scripts and templates from the store, and I have some bundles coming up.
First of all I have a christmas bundle of freebies for you.
These are from Christmas 2010... So they are a little ancient in the design world, and were designed under my original name of Tezza's Tagger Scraps.
So here is the preview of the bundle, both scripts and templates are included in the zip.
Please follow my TOU"s, and DO NOT resell these as they are in this script/template format.
click the preview to go to the download.

Thank you for stopping by ♥ Photobucket
Co-Owner of
Proud Designer at
My Tube Site  
Tezza's Dezignz Tube Art
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